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Heidi "Mangalaa" Gerber. Mangalaa is my spiritual name given to me by my spiritual teacher. The name originates from Sanskrit and means THE BLESSED ONE.
I was born and raised in Bühl near Baden-Baden in Southwest Germany.
My interest in healing has evolved through my education, vocational training and the various jobs I have held. The opportunity to travel has also broadened my interest. I have been able to interact and learn from other people absorbing their culture, ways of life, habitats and to exchange with other healers which has enriched my life.
A very important turning point towards alternative healing methods came through my then husband, Eric Tomlinson, an English healer. I moved to Great Britain, North Wales and then Totnes/ Devon in the Southwest of England, which is a centre for alternative healing methods.
I started with holistic massage and realised quickly that I have the ability to feel where the blockages in the body of the treated person are. I worked self-employed and worked also for 3,5 years at the Totnes Natural Health Centre (TNHC).
At that time (1996 -1999) were about 25 therapists with all different kinds of healing methods there. These very inspiring encounters with many different techniques and people helped me to find and develop my own specific healing method, which I still practice today.
Back in Germany I took more trainings from the year 2002 onwards. Since May 2003 I am self-employed and do body- and energy work. When I first started in Germany I did almost exclusively "family constellations" in one-to-one sessions.
At one point I realised that the tool "family constellations" was so much integrated in my healing field, that I went back to my original healing method with body- and energy work. The healing happened without me having to know anything about the persons background, circumstances or family situation. Many of my clients confirmed after having a treatment from me that so much changed positively in their family system, no matter regarding partner, parents or kids - without me knowing anything about the person.
In general I am convinced and experience it constantly, that the best possible in healing for the person and the whole family system happens also without any personal information from the client - as far as the soul field of the person in concern allows it.
Since my turn to healing work I open myself consiously for the ongoing clearing of my own person, to expand my soul field and to spiritual self-awareness.
1995 -1999 Energy Training in England
2002 -2003 Healer Training, including Family Constellation (Augsburg)
2005 Kinesiology (not in use)
2010 - 2011 Aboriginal Healers (Australia)
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Sandra (41) from Munich
Many thanks for the small and big wonders, that you cause.
(Herzlichen Dank für kleine und große Wunder, die du verursachst.)
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Simone (30) from Karlsruhe
Thank you very much for your treament and the warm welcoming. I feel much better. The depression didn't come back.
(„Vielen Dank noch mal für deine Behandlung und die herzliche Begegnung. Es geht mir auch schon wesentlich besser. Die Depressionen sind nicht mehr zurückgekehrt.“)
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